Homework - Summer term

Hello everyone,
Welcome back to school and a whole new summer term.
During this term we will be studying the History and Geography of ancient Egypt.
For homework, we will be sending out the usual spellings, tables and reading. We will also be issuing English and Maths work for you to complete at home and then to go through on a Friday at school.
Independent study for this term is all about Ancient Egypt - see details below.
If you have any questions, please let me know.

Ancient Egypt

Our final learning challenge this year, is all about ancient Egypt.



 You have up until Friday 5th July to present your work on this topic to the class. As in previous challenges, you can choose any medium of presentation. This is such a rich and exciting topic - that I'm sure you'll have lots of ideas!

To help you all learn so much more about this amazing civilisation -here are some amazing websites and videos. I've also added resource grids to inspire you.

If you have any further questions - just ask.  Have fun!