Governing Board
Please feel free to contact our Governors via school:
- Our Lady of Perpetual Succour
- Clincton View
- Widnes
- Cheshire
- WA8 8JN
Our Governors:
Mrs Susan Williams: Chair of Governors - Foundation Governor
Governor Responsibilities - Headteacher's Performance Review, Staff Pay & Performance Appeals, English, Governor Training & Support, Headteacher's Well being Governor, Standards Committee, Data, Assessment and Link Governor for Year 4.
End date 31.08.2025
Mrs Pamela McGuffie: Headteacher
Governor Responsibilities - Admissions, Safeguarding/ Prevent Trainer and RSHE (Relationship, Sex, Health and Education)
Miss C Houghton: Foundation Governor - Vice Chair
Governor Responsibilities - Admissions, Headteacher's Performance Review, Staff Pay & Performance, Foundation Stage, SEND, Child Protection, Safeguarding/ Maths/Management Committee/ Standards Committee/ Prevent and Link Governor for Year 3.
End date 31.08.2025
Mr P Hindley: Foundation Governor
Governor Responsibilities - Management committee chair, Link Governor for Year 5, History and Geography.
End date 04.11.2024
Father Thomas Clarke: Foundation Governor
Governor Responsibilities - Management committee and Link Governor for Year 6.
End date 31.08.2025
Cllr Robert Gilligan: Local Authority Governor
Governor Responsibilities -Headteacher's Performance Review, Staff Pay & Performance, Children and young people in care, Management Committee and PSHE.
End date 01.09.2021
Mrs T Hignett - Teacher Governor
Governor Responsibilities - Educational Visits
End date: 21.05.2024
Mrs Kelly Harris - Parent Governor
Governor Responsibilities - Standards
End date 20.10.2026
Mrs Jenny Parker - Parent Governor
Governor Responsibilities - Management
End date 20.10.2026