Prevent Duty

Under the Counter Terrorism Security Act 2015

The Government issued ‘Prevent Duty Guidance’ for all schools. This guidance requires all schools to ‘have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’.

From 1 July 2015 all schools have a legal duty to meet the requirements set out in this guidance in four areas

  • Risk Assessment
  • Working in Partnership
  • Staff training
  • IT Policies


How we meet the requirements:

Risk Assessment

We have a risk assessment in place to demonstrate how we have assessed the risk within our school and school community. The risk assessment focuses on the children and takes into account their age.


Working in Partnership

The first partnership is within school and all staff are aware of specific guidance to safeguard children. We pay due attention to relevant documentation including the most up to date versions of Working Together to Safeguard Children and Keeping Children Safe in Education.

External partners who work with our school to ensure that all children are safe and protected include Halton Borough Council, Halton Safeguarding Children Board, school health, children’s social care including the Contact and Referral Team (CART), the police and Educational Welfare service.

Designated Teacher role – all staff are fully aware of school procedures and where and when to raise any concerns. The designated teachers are in direct contact with relevant partnership agencies and are able to take appropriate measures. These include concerns that may require contacting Channel.

Our school policies also support the children’s safety and wellbeing e.g. – Child Protection, Safeguarding and Anti-bullying policies.



All staff are trained in Level 2 Basic Awareness in Safeguarding.

Designated Teachers attend termly network meetings organised by Halton Borough Council and have attended the Working Together to Safeguard Children training.

Other training also includes Child Sexual Exploitation Basic Awareness, Compromised Care and conferences focusing on working with children in care and previously looked after children.


Prevent Training

Halton Safeguarding Children Board – Channel General Awareness E-learning.

Mrs McGuffie completed the online training in July 2015

Staff and governors completed the training in September 2015.


WRAP (Workshops Raising Awareness around Prevent)

Training to be confirmed as facilitators are themselves trained.


IT Policies 

School access to the Internet is protected by a firewall and children are supervised when using the Internet.

Children are taught about e-safety as part of their computing lessons. All children know what the procedures are if something appears on screen that they are not happy with.  Each class also has 2 elected Cyber buddies who children can go to if they feel unhappy or threatened in any way. They in turn will speak to the IT co-ordinator who will take the relevant steps to rectify the situation. This will also be reported to the Designated person.

Policies in place include E-safety, Internet Access Policy for Children, Internet and Acceptable Use Policy for Staff with relevant reference to the Prevent Duty.