
Religious Education Leader - Mrs. H. Donnelly
The Religious scheme of work “Come and See” is recommended by the Archdiocese of Liverpool. The children follow the scheme from Reception through to Year 6. The Programme presents 9 topics in each year group on a 1 year cycle. Each topic lasts approximately 4 weeks and is developed through the programme specifically related to the year group and builds upon prior learning. For each level there are clear learning objectives and learning outcomes.  These allow pupils to work according to their different abilities.
The process for delivering COME AND SEE has seven elements that enable the development of skills and the fostering of attitudes.
In the process the teacher helps the children to:
EXPLORE: Look at and become aware of an aspect of life experience; explore through practical tasks and activities; discover significance and value, and come to a deeper understanding of it.
REVEAL: make links with the Christian understanding of the life experience through Scripture, Church practice and teaching, prayer and the lives and way of living of the Christian community.
RESPOND: remember their learning; celebrate in worship what has been explored and revealed and look back and evaluate and respond to in daily life.
Community of Faith – Church Themes
Autumn: family- Domestic Church
Spring: Community-Local Church
Summer: World- Universal Church
Celebration in Ritual – Sacraments
Autumn: Belonging- Baptism/Confirmation
Spring: Relating- Eucharist
Summer: Inter-Relating- Reconciliation
Way of Life – Christain Living Themes
Autumn: Loving- Advent/Christmas
Spring: Giving – Lent/Easter
Summer: Serving- Pentecost
Judaism is taught for one week every year. Each year, the pupils learn more about how their Jewish sisters and brothers live and what they believe, as the theme develops. 
For one week every year, the children also learn about another religion from a choice of three: Islam, Hinduism, or Sikhism.

The whole school regularly gathers together in prayer at school assemblies.  Every Friday families are welcome to join the school community in our weekly collective worship and help to celebrate the many achievements that have been recognised over the week. Each class also takes the responsibility for at least one class assembly a year. This is a way of celebrating work done in class. These assemblies are usually presented on a Friday morning at 9.00 a.m. Once again families are always welcome to share these assemblies with us.
During the course of the year, we raise money for two main charities. In December, in the build up to Christmas during Advent, we collect for Cafod.  Throughout Lent there is The Good Shepherd Collection for the Nugent Care Society. The children are encouraged, as Christians, to be aware of the needs of others in our local community and in the world-wide Family of God, this can mean that we may respond to appeals for money or goods, sparked off by famine, flood or some other such disaster.