School Performance

Children in England take SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests) twice during their school career, the first in Year 2 and the second in Year 6. Children are tested in mathematics and English (reading and grammar / punctuation / spelling) with each paper lasting no more than one hour. In Year 6 the testing procedure is formalised taking place to a national timetable in May; with papers externally marked, pupil results are returned to schools in time before children depart at the end of Year 6  and all schools' results are published nationally.  

In Year 2 the procedure is less formal and administered in class by the class teacher. 

SATs are a measure of assessment used to determine how much a child has learnt during a Key Stage. For example, at the end of Year 6 children are tested on Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 curriculum content.

We work extensively to ensure all children are well prepared for SATs throughout their school life by conducting regular assessment followed by specific support where required. Regularly assessing children as well as providing them with a rich homework diet allows teachers to check all children are on track. 

We take a considered approach to assessment and testing procedures, doing everything in our power to make the experiecne as stress free as possible. 

The greatest help you can give as a parent in preparing your child is to ensure that they have excellent attendance at school. A child with regular attendance and excellent punctuality will reasonably perform better. During the testing period keep your child's routine as normal as possible - eat and hydrate regularly, be well rested with enough sleep, and exercise often.

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School and college performance table service link
Our school performance data Our Lady's Performance Data